Sunday, January 17, 2010


Tessa had her first basketball game yesterday. This is the second season she has played and wow has she really improved. Last year the first game was utter chaos and quite hysterical from the stands. They had a couple of practices and of course practiced the basics i.e. dribbling, shooting. But at game time when it was time to throw the ball inbounds or dribble up and down the court they were clueless. Mayja LOLs. Yesterday was good. They knew what to do (most of them) and even though they didnt win, the girls had so much fun! Here is a picture of Tes in her uniform. Not crazy about the team name (Superstars) but I guess you gotta take what ya get.

Now Im sure most of you are wondering why she has a brace on her hand. While at the store getting her some new tennis shoes she and Tyce were messing around jumping over some benches and she landed wrong on her hand or something. Naturally, she now thinks she needs to wear a "cast". Onto another note....

Tim and I (well mostly Tim) have been working on a project for a TV console. We bought a new flatscreen for our Christmas present back in November and it is STILL in our closet in the box. We still have the big tube tv we bought right after we got married. Here is a picture of the inspiration for the piece Tim is building. We have run into some problems with the legs, so we are painting the top piece and working on the legs later. Hopefully we'll be watching our new TV in the next month or so. : )

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Precious Moment

One thing I vowed to do this year was to get my photos and videos organized. I am so behind on my scrapbooks it's not even funny and my goal this year is to completely catch up. While going through some pictures I found THE MOST precious video of Tessa. She had just turned three and was saying this cute little ryhme. It just made me realize how fast time goes by. I hardly remember her being this sweet since over the last couple years she has become a total diva. I totally hate that the video is sideways but I don't know how to turn it around.

I love her so much.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Cute project.......and coloring by Tyce

Last month we were leaving some friends house and as we were driving out of their neighborhood I found this.......

I thought it was a neat old rocking chair, so I made Tim get out and cram it into the back of the car. It looked like someone had spray painted it white at one point and it was all chipping off. Which was cute in places, like right here.....

But too much had chipped off the seat and I decided it needed a whole new paint job. Ive kinda started liking this style of muted rooms with one bright accent piece. So I painted it a shade of blue/turquoise. And here is the finished product!

I was thinking it would look cute with a white throw and a burlap covered pillow with "SIT" on the front of it. Something similar to this one from Pottery Barn...

But first Ill have to try to get the ORANGE crayon off the seat!!! I swear I just brought it in the house YESTERDAY and already he has scribbled it. Geeeez!

And here is mr. scribbler with his crayon. He is of course trying to give it back to me.

Darnit he sure is cute!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wow time really does fly. 2010! Seems like just a year ago Tim and I were getting married, Tessa was born, Tyce was born etc. Tim and I have been married almost NINE years now! Tessa is now 7 and our baby, Tyce, is now 2 and will be 3 in just four short months.

I hate new years resolutions. They have never worked out for me so this year I'm going to call it a GOAL instead. My goal this year is to keep my family and friends updated more on what is going on in our life. We see some of our family alot and others, well not so much. So by starting this blog, Im hoping to create a way for them to not feel "left out".

Alot has happened in the last few weeks so here are a few of my favorite recent pictures. Enjoy!

Tess and Tyce with Santa's cookies and Milk

When the weather got so bad in Wichita Falls, we decided to just wait a couple days before leaving. We had Christmas together, just the four of us. This was the first time using the timer on our camera. Tim looks a little weird but only because he just slid into the picture.

Tessa being silly

Playing in the snow at Grandma Judy and Papas

More playing in the snow